Friday, December 12, 2014

Black Friday Craziness

November 28, 2014

Apparently you American's have this thing called Black Friday. It is not really a holiday but it should be from what I have seen. I find it amazing that people get up in the weeeee hours of the morning to go shopping for deals on all sorts of things. To make matters worse, I heard people actually start their Christmas Shopping on Thanksgiving evening. Now, we do not have either of these holidays in my village. But I hear they both are big here in the States. So if Thanksgiving is about spending time with family and friends to give thanks for all one has, which is what I was told it is all about, why would one go shopping to get more stuff??? Some say it is fun to stand in line for ours to get the big deals but I don't see why that is such a big deal. The only times we have lines for something is when the bakery has just put out the fresh breads. This little cannoli fails to understand why anyone would do this. 

When the nice people of What's Up SWFL asked me to go with them to their Black Friday Shopping Extravaganza I was not pleased. This Diva is not a morning cannoli and did not want to risk getting trampled on by crazy shoppers....never mind the fact that it was going to be cold at that time of the morning. I mean really who goes shopping at 5 am? Apparently there are people who love to do that. So I figured I would go and see what this Black Friday is all about. 

In our village we do not have big chain stores as you call them. While online shopping is popular in parts of my country, in my village not so much. So we all shop at the local shops...I am told that does not happen so much here in SWFL where people prefer the big chains. Well I guess that is why they will stand in line for hours to buy stuff. That is when it was explained to me that people spend all their money on these big deals from big stores that they do not have any left to spend with local merchants...say it isn't so!!! One such deal I hear about was a 50" TV for under $200...ok my people where are you going to put a TV that big??? And why does one need a TV that big???? I think people wanted it just cause they thought they were getting a deal. Is that what Christmas is all about in SWFL, getting deals??? Not in my village!!!!!

I have to admit that upon arriving at LaMotta's Italian Restaurant, I stayed in my warm comfy carrier (hot pink of course) as it was way too cold for this cannoli to brave making an appearance. From my cozy spot I did see many local businesses all set up with their items. What was really special is that many of them were handmade items. Never knew there were so many talented people in SWFL. It reminded me of the marketplace in my village.I would much rather have a gift made by someone's own hands than a huge TV any day. So if you want to know what to get this cannoli for Christmas... anything locally handmade is the best!

When it finally warmed up I did venture outside and met a new friend. Elmer the he is not that Elf on a Shelve character.. although I do want to meet him. Elmer was a friendly fellow and he wanted to have his picture take with me....I never turn down a photo opp! You have to admit he is rather cute and don't we make a great looking couple???? 

I was really honored when I had another request to have my picture taken. This time it was with SANTA!!!! Imagine that Santa wanted his picture taken with little old me!!! I have never met Santa before and he is as jolly as they say he is. What a great experience that was! In case you are wondering, I did tell Santa what I wanted for Christmas and seeing he said I was on his nice list, I will be getting what I asked him for! Ok please don't tell Santa the truth ok! I want to stay on his nice list.  Oh and you are not going to believe this, ok maybe you #1 groupie Francine was there! Oh yes she was!!!!

So what did I learn today? I learned that the people of SWFL really need to support locally owned businesses. They need to shop with them first. Christmas is not about deals and big items. For this cannoli Christmas is about giving gifts that reflect love and caring and giving from the heart! That is how we do it in my village!




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