January 20 2015
I must share with you an experience that I had that was totally unique. Well to this cannoli it was. I met the most divine person I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Her name is Amanda Devine and she is a Master of Advanced Life Concepts. Now, I was not really sure what that is because we do not have anybody like that back in my village. She told me the best way to understand what she does was to see her for a free consult. I figured I had nothing to lose and who knows I may learn something. So I took her up on her offer and went to see her at her office. She is located in the Key West Offices.
When I first got there, she greet me with a hug. She loves to give hugs! She was very gentle though so as not to crush my fragile shell. We then began with explaining a bit about some the concepts involved in her program. She has discovered a formula that is very old that helps people create what it is that want out of life. She has tools she has developed that help you work with that formula.
She kept me so interested as to what this formula was. She did tell me it was simple but it takes awhile to really understand it. How intriguing! I was excited to hear more. She told me stories of what some of her clients had accomplished using the formula and tools. The tools are the key to being successful she explained. If I were to take her program, then doing the tools daily for the rest of my cannoli life is very important.
She explained that there is no limits to the power of our minds and that we can create the life we want when we understand how to fully use it and that is what the formula and tools are all about. For this cannoli, that is very exciting. She showed me some videos that she has done and oh wow they were amazing.
She also explained that she has clients all over the world who are taking her program. I was curious though as to how she does her program if they do not live in Fort Myers. That is when she told me about Skype.... where you can talk face to face through the computer to people all over the world. OMG did I get excited!!! This means I can talk to my family back in my village face to face!!! Can't wait to try it!!!!!
After hearing all that she had to say and being so excited to learn more.... yup you guess it...I signed up for her program. I will be going weekly because while I have a great life....there is so much more I want to do and this will help learn how to create what I want and expand my imagination. Imagine if you will a life filled with much joy, happiness and love not only for me but for those in my life too! Imagine if you will being able to change the things you do not like to the things you do like! WOW! I can't wait to get started!
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